lab04 : MVP Release, MVP Review, Testing

num ready? description assigned due
lab04 true MVP Release, MVP Review, Testing Fri 10/22 11:00AM Fri 10/29 11:59PM

Finalize MVP Materials (lab03 requirements)

Finalizing your demo (MVP video)

At next week’s Wednesday lecture lect09 you’ll be asked to evaluate other teams’ presentation(s), so plan to watch them and be ready to do some very brief writing after each one.

Add Installation instructions to your

Point us to your video

Lab04 New Deliverables

Graded: (lab04-T) (10 pts) You earn these team points if your team has a github tagged release of your MVP timestamped before 10/25/21, 23:59:59 PDT and a video link in team/ and in the team links spreadsheet before Tue 10/26/21, 23:59:59 PDT!

Graded: (lab04-I) (25 pts) You earn these individual points if you participate in the MVP review during lec09 and submit an evaluation form to briefly review all other groups’ MVPs by Wed, 10/27/2021, 23:59pm PDT

Graded: (lab04-T) (25 pts) You earn these team points in the MVP review during lec09 on Wed, 10/27/2021 if at least one member of your team asks a question after the video of one other team (the pairing will be announced before the class lecture)

Graded: (lab04-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points for implementing and documenting at least one unit test in your code base by next week Fri, 10/29/21, 23:59 PDT.

Graded: (lab04-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points for ensuring that each team member was assigned at least one issue that was moved to the Done column of your Kanban board with tested acceptance criteria over the next week ending on Fri, 10/29/21, 23:59 PDT.

MVP Tag/Release in your GitHub repo

By the end of Monday, 10/25/21, tag and release your MVP project in your github. This brief article gives some suggestions on versioning numbering.

To create a tag:

Option 1: Web UI

Option 2: command line instructions.

(Choose this option if you need to create a tag that is earlier than the most recent commit)

git tag v1.0.0 <commit ID>

note - v1.0.0 is the tag name, and commitID refers to the last commit in your MVP

you can find the commit ID using git log, or using the history tab in the github web ui

if done correctly, you should see something like this in the git log image

if you messed up, you can delete the tag using git tag -d <tag_name>

Verify that everything looks good, then git push origin <tag_name>

Your newly created tag should appear in your tags page on the web UI

To create a release:

Option 1:

Option 2:

New Deliverable: Participate in the MVP review and review other groups’ MVPs

In class on Wed, 10/27/21, 14:00, we will watch the videos all the groups have created, and provide feedback in a simple Google Form. You will get points towards lab04 for submitting these forms.

New Deliverable: Testing

Over the next week, the following testing deliverables will give you points towards lab04: