Java Topics
Code Style: astyle—automatic code indenting tool available on CSIL
Code Style: checkstyle—code style checker
CSV files—Comma Separated Value files, and processing them in Java
Databases—SQL, Postgres, H2, etc
gitignore for Maven—An example gitignore for Java Maven projects
Heroku—A cloud computing platform
Heroku: Troubleshooting—Solutions to common problems and errors
Java—The language that is the basis of the Spring web framework
Java: Annotations—All about those funny @ things that precede methods
Java: ArrayList to array—e.g. ArrayList<Integer> to int []
Java: Codacy—A static analysis tool for Java
Java: Command Line Arguments—how to the access contents of (String [] args)
Java: == vs. .equals(), and hashCode()—the difference, and how to override .equals and .hashCode()
Java: HttpURLConnection—And HttpsURLConnection; a Java object for retrieving content from a URL
Java: Installing—Installing Java 11
Java: JAR files—Creating and using .jar files
Java: JVM—The Java Virtual Machine
Java: Lambda Expressions—Shorter, cleaner code using anonymous functions
Java: Overriding vs. Overloading—The difference between these
Java: Plaform Independent Newlines—\n isn't as portable as you might like
Java: Sorting—Comparable, Comparators, and sorting ArrayLists and such
Java: static analysis—Tools that analyze source code without running it
Java: Streams in Java 8 —A whole new style of programming
Java: Unchecked Operations—That message that says uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Java: Web Applications—Overview of various frameworks (Servlets, Spring, Apache Spark-Java)
Javadoc—Documentation generator for java
Javadoc: Legacy Code Projects—step-by-step instructions for javadoc for UCSB-CS56-Projects
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a private repo (the old way)—step-by-step instructions
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a private repo—step-by-step instructions
javadoc: publishing to github pages from a public repo—step-by-step instructions
JDBC—Java Database Connectivity--a way to use SQL-based databases with Java
JSON: Jackson—A Java Package for processing JSON
JUnit—Unit testing framework for Java
JUnit: Hamcrest Matcher style—A different style of writing assertions for Unit testing
JUnit: Mocking System.out—How do you write a JUnit test for a method that uses System.out?
Log4J: —A logging framework for java
Log4J: SparkJava—Using Log4J with SparkJava
Log4J: Spring Boot—Using Log4J with Spring Boot
Lombok: —Automatic generation of getters/setters, etc.
MacOS—Setting up an environment to do CS56 work on your own Mac (not ssh'ing into CSIL)
Maven—A build tool for Java plus a package manager
Maven: Adding custom jar dependency—Including a jar file that isn't available as a standard Maven dependency
Maven: Convert Ant to Maven—replacing ant build.xml with maven pom.xml
Maven: FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions
Maven: Hello World—A relatively simple Hello World app with Maven
Maven: Installing—on Windows, Mac, Linux
Maven: Javadoc—Generating javadoc when using Maven
Maven: Managing Versions—How do you get the right version for dependencies, plugins, etc.
Maven: Pom.xml Order—In what order should the elements of a pom.xml appear
Maven: Profiles—Making your pom.xml do different things on localhost vs heroku, for example
Maven: Testing—Doing JUnit testing and other testing using mvn test, mvn verify, etc.
Maven: Xlint options—For example, what to do when you get `Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details`
MongoDB: Spring Properties—How to set properties for connecting to MongoDB when using Spring
Spring Boot: —A Java web application framework
Spring Boot: Actuator—Checking the endpoint mappings, health or other info about your Spring Boot app
Spring Boot: Application Properties—Defining the
Spring Boot: ControllerAdvice—A place to factor out common ExceptionHandler, ModelAttribute and InitBinder code across multiple controllers
Spring Boot: CSV—Downloading and Uploading CSV files with Spring Boot
Spring Boot: Database Migrations—When you need to make a change to your database schema for an app in progress
Spring Boot: Heroku—Tips for running with Spring Boot applications on Heroku
Spring Boot: Logging—How to write information to the log in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: OAuth—How to implement OAuth for authentication in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: POST and CSRF—If you get 403 forbidden messages when using POST
Spring Boot: Postgres—Using Spring Boot with Postgres
Spring Boot: RestTemplate—When you need to access other APIs from the backend of your Spring Boot Application
Spring Boot: Secrets—Ways of keepings database credentials and OAuth client secrets out of Github
Spring Boot: Security—Authentication, Authorization and other Security issues
Spring Boot: Sessions—How to make the stateless HTTP protocol stateful
Spring Boot: SQL—Working with SQL and Databases in Spring Boot
Spring Boot: VS Code—Suggested VS Code extensions for working with Spring Boot
Testing—Testing topics
Testing: Integration Testing with Maven—When you want to run the integration tests
Testing: Jacoco Reports—How to interpret the reports (red, yellow, green)
Testing: Jacoco via Maven—Setting up Jacoco test coverage, using Maven
Testing: Spring Boot Annotations—When to use certain annotations and what they do
Testing: Spring Boot HTMLUnit—Testing Spring Boot Webapps
Thymeleaf—A Templating Engine for Spring Boot