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lect06, Tue 04/20

First Retrospective


Grading for First Retro Participation and Artifact is part of Lab03 (Fri, Apr. 23 - Fri Apr. 30)

Graded: (lect06-I) (5 pts) You earn these individual points if you participated in this retrospective.

Graded: (lect06-I) (20 pts) You earn these points for submitting feedback on overall team performance via a form survey that you will get email invitations and reminders for.

Graded: (lect06-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points based on the attendance/participation in your retrospective; 4 per team member for teams of 5, 5 points per team member for teams of four.

Graded: (lect06-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points when the content in team/retrospectives/ is updated per the instructions.

Procedure for First Retro

You may or may not have done an official Sprint Review meeting yet. In a way, you are doing those via your check-ins with your mentors and that is sufficient in a cinch, but we encourage you to hold and log official Sprint Review meetings at the end of each of your Sprints. In any case, you should have enough information about what worked and didn’t work in your Sprint(s) so far (and from your homeworks) to hold your first Retrospective meeting today!

Today: Retrospective
