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lect15, Thu 03/02
Final Release User Stories, UML, UX
- No new homework assignment for the moment (one more may come). Focus on projects!
- Project documentation ongoing in three major documents:
- Project presentations (Final exam slot, Thursday, March 23, 4-7pm)
High-level SW Design Concepts, UML Diagrams
- There is no requirement for using UML in your design documentation!
- Slides: Design and UML
UX metrics
- Slide: UX metrics
End User Evaluation
You will likely not have time to conduct your own independent end user evaluation (prove us wrong if you do!), but we will think about a class exercise that gives you some feedback in week 10.
Today: Work in Breakout Groups
- Standup
- Continue lab07
- Overview system architecture diagram and associated explanation
- Identifying high-level Task/User Flow
- Continue Design Document (new Section on documenting team design decisions through meeting logs)
- Towards next lab: New set of user stories for the “final” product that your team will deliver, and marking those stories with a label “final” (just like the label MVP that you used previously).