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lect18, Tue 03/14

Class Canceled. Remote Team Work Towards Code Freeze


ESCIs (Course Evaluations)

The ESCI course evaluation system will be due on Friday, March 17, 23:59:59

Response rate as of 01:00pm 03/14/2023:

Course ID Enrollment Count Surveys Completed Percent Completed
CMPSC 148 73 9 12.33%

You are likely getting reminders from the automated system about course evaluations (ESCIs). I would like to also ask you to please enter your feedback about the course. It is very important for the university to evaluate the quality of the instructor’s teaching (Question A) and the overall quality of the course (Question B).

A project-oriented course such as CS148 emphasizes learning by doing and the experience of working in teams over lectures and traditional exams and homeworks. If you see value in that approach, please do consider mentioning it as there are always debates on the future structure of the curriculum.

Thank you all for taking the time!

Today: REMOTE Work Towards Lab09 and Code Freeze