Syllabus, CMPSC 148, Winter 2025

Basic Facts

For course resource links, please visit the course Canvas site, which also links to Gradescope, for submitting the HW assignments.

About the Course

The official course description states:

Prerequisite: Computer Science 32 with a grade of C or better.
** Enrollment Comments: Not open for credit to students who have completed Computer Science 48 with a grade of C or better. **Repeat Comments: CMPSC 148 is a legal repeat of CMPSC 48. Team-based project development. Topics include software engineering and professional development practices,interface design, advanced library support; techniques for team-oriented design and development, testing and test-driven development, and software reliability and robustness. Students present and demonstrate final projects.

Final Course Grades

The formula to determine your course grade average is explained in the table below.

This quarter the class will be held again exlusively in-person. Class grades will be assigned based on performance on homework assignemnts, possible in-class assignments, points alotted for work in the Lab sections (toward the team projects), and points for the final project product and demonstration. There will be a peer-evaluation component based on contributions to the team as well.

To convert final averages to letter grades, a standard 10 point scale will be used, with the upper and lower ends of each range as +/- grades, except for A+ grades, see below. There is no “rounding up”; a grade of 86.9999 is a B and a grade of 87.0000 is a B+.

A+ grades: These may be awarded to the very best performing students in the class—but the cutoff for A+ grades will be determined at the end of the course at the discretion of the instructor (there is no pre-determined cutoff—an average of 97 or more doesn’t guarantee you an A+ grade.)

Grade Item Percentage of Final Grade
Hwks, In Class Assignments 25%
Project Grade (labs) 25% to 35%
Project Grade (final product) 30% to 40%
Exam (if held) 20%
Team work component (assessed through peer evals) up to 10%

Missing homework/in-class activities: Drop the lowest three

If you miss a class or the submission of any of the above deliverables, you miss the opportunity for the points on that deliverable that was due.

There is no makeup. In lieu of providing a makeup opportunity, we will drop the lowest three homework/in-class-assignment grades (which may be zeros if you miss an assignment.) Each homework and in-class-activity will be of equal value (100 pts).

Project Points

Information about project grading will be discussed in a separate document and released during week 2.

Late Labs

The policy is simple, and is based on the idea that the primary purpose of the deadlines is to allow the TA manage his/her workload. The number of labs in this course requires that he/she not have to do “context switching” between grading different labs. All labs must be graded in one sitting, or he/she just won’t be able to keep up with the workload.



This course is, to a large extent, about process, including the process by which indivduals work together on a team.

Our class meeting times are the only scheduled times our teams definitely come together to meet. So it is essential that you are here.

Questions about grades

Summary: homework regrade requests must be made only on GradeScope, and always within one week.

From time to time, the people who grade your papers may make clerical errors in grading (e.g. adding up points wrong or applying a rubric incorrectly.) For this reason, you are encouraged to review your grades as they are posted to Gradescope and Gauchospace. You will typically get an email as soon as each grade is posted. From the time the grade is posted, you will have one calendar week to post regrade requests. Requests on homework regrading must be made ONLY through Gradescope, ON the correct problem. (Don’t request a regrade for question 4 on the page for question 7.)

Please note that regrade requests based on clerical errors or applying a rubric incorrectly are always welcome. Over the course of the quarter, we’ll grade thousands of individual problems, so it is unlikely that we won’t make at least some mistakes.

More problematic are challenges to the rubric itself, e.g. “I don’t think you should have taken off so many points for that error” or “I think I deserve more partial credit for that incorrect answer”. The instructor and TA will always listen, but please know that we’ve put a great deal of thought, time and experience into determining the rubric, and we’ve done our best to apply it to all students equitably. You may have a different point of view, we will not always agree with your assessment—in fact, we seldom will. As such, regrade requests on this basis are not encouraged. It is important to approach such conversations in a respectful manner, accepting that the instructor, TA and grader have been given responsibility for determining course standards, and applying those in a fair way to all students.

In any case, once the two week deadline for challenges has passed, each grade becomes final—and it is your responsibility to come to scheduled TA or instructor office hours to have this discussion. If you cannot make office hours, you may request an appointment, but you must request the appointment within ONE WEEK of the assignment being posted. If you wait until the last office hours opportunity during the two week window, and you are not able to be seen (e.g. because of a long line of students), then you lose the right to appeal your grade.

Accommodations for disabilities

Students with disabilities may request academic accommodations for exams online through the UCSB Disabled Students Program at Please make your requests for exam accommodations through the online system as early in the quarter as possible to ensure proper arrangement.

Managing stress

Personal concerns such as stress, anxiety, relationships, depression, cultural differences, can interfere with the ability of students to succeed and thrive. For hopefully helpful resources, please contact UCSB Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) at 805-893-4411 or visit .

Responsible scholarship

Honesty and integrity in all academic work is essential for a valuable educational experience. The Office of Judicial Affairs has policies, tips, and resources for proper citation use, recognizing actions considered to be cheating or other forms of academic theft, and students’ responsibilities, available on their website at: Students are responsible for educating themselves on the policies and to abide by them.

Furthermore, for general academic support, students are encouraged to visit Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS) early and often. CLAS offers instructional groups, drop-in tutoring, writing and ESL services, skills workshops and one-on-one consultations. CLAS is located on the third floor of the Student Resource Building, or visit

Standard Disclaimer

This syllabus is as accurate as possible, but is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion, within the bounds of UC policy.

(end of syllabus)