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lect03, Wed 01/15

Scrum Process, Kanban Boards




Electronic Handouts:

Sprint Planning

Part of your lab02 deliverables will include documentation of at least one Sprint Planning meeting in a team/sprint0?/ folder in your main repo (question mark for number of your current sprint, which may vary from team to team). For the purpose and mechanisms of a Sprint Planning meeting see, e.g., pages 25-27 of our Scrum booklet. It is OK for such a meeting to already have happened and to be documented retroactively.

IMPORTANT Update on User Story Mapping

Github Projects has changed substantially since the last time this course was taught. Prof. Conrad’s videos posted in the lect02 notes still describe what we are trying to accomplish, but the mechanisms that GitHub Projects support have been revamped since then. The old Github Projects (classic) experience is actually still available, but the new experience has several powerful new features, so we will adapt and practice the new functionality in this course.

We will give a brief demo on Kanban Board mapping in class today.

The most important pieces of information are:

Where we are

We did not discuss all of the items below in detail, but we mentioned most of them, and will go into more detail in the weeks ahead.

Work in Project Groups: