Previous Lecture lect04

lect04, Mon 01/22

Project Management:, Leadership, Retros, Learning plan



Brief discussion of team leadership roles

Brief discussion of retros

Team Activity #1 in team/

In your project repo, in file team/

You can use a Markdown table to make this easy to read. It’s fine to just record this directly on the master branch, even editing directly in the GitHub web interface.


# Leadership roles

| Date      | Name              | Activity                                               |
| Mon 10/04 | Chris Gaucho      | Led team discussion to define MVP                      | 
| Tue 10/05 | Lauren del Playa  | Led team discussion of Sprint01 and learning plan      | 
| Wed 10/13 | Taylor Chen       | Will lead first Retro                                  | 

Team Activity #2 in team/

More on the learning plan

The format of the learning plan is up to the team, as long as it includes the following:

The plan could include things like:

An ideal plan will incorporate both breadth and depth:

A Partial List of important technologies, by Stack

You might use this list to come up with ideas for your /team/ file.

Note that:

General Web Dev Skills

Javascript libraries: Node.js, React, Next.js

Python web frameworks


Mobile (Phone/Tablet) Development

Project Specific APIs, data sources, etc.

Your project may have specific APIs, data sources, specialized skills etc. that you may need to work with.

It may helpful to identify the ones needed for your project, and be sure that at least one team member is looking into each of those.


Spikes, Skunk-works, Proofs of Concepts

You are not only permitted, but strongly encouraged even, to make additional repos in addition to your main project repo that contains extra “proof of concept”, and “practice code” for your project.

These are sometimes called spikes.

You can name these with private or public repos in the ucsb-cs148-w25 github org names such as spike-t1-try-spotify-api and then give your team access to them.

You may want to make such repos part of your learning plan.

If you have extra time