lab05 : Second Retrospective, Product Improvement, Additional Testing

num ready? description assigned due
lab05 true Second Retrospective, Product Improvement, Additional Testing Fri 10/29 11:00AM Fri 11/05 11:59PM

Grading for Second Retro

Graded: (lab05-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points based on the attendance/participation in your retrospective; 3.33 per team member for teams of 6, 4 per team member for teams of five, 5 points per team member for teams of four.

Graded: (lab05-T) (10 pts) You earn these team points when the content in team/retrospectives is updated per the instructions.

Today: Second Retrospective

You already know the goal and procedure for Retrospectives from your RETRO_01. This Retrospective allows you to discuss things that emerged from the MVP effort and feedback you received.

Retro Deliverable

Grading for new Development / Testing

Over the next week, please focus predominantly on new/improved functionality/robustness/user experience for your product, using your momentum and ideas from the MVP effort and discussion.

Again, every team member should be assigned new issues towards this goal. Minimum requirement is that each team member be assigned and complete at least one new issue during this week, but a higher issue frequency is encouraged. Make sure that your issues have clear acceptance criteria in Github Projects and that you have a process for completing and assigning issues (e.g. feature branches or your own “Continuous Delivery” rules). It should be possible at any point in time to deploy your product with new improvements over time!

So, while focus should be on your product growing/improving, we want you to experiment more with Test-Driven-Development (TDD). This could be a great week to fully embrace TDD, and we think you would get many benefits from it in the long term. It is, however, an investment in the short term, so if you don’t think that you are ready to completely switch over to TDD, then at the very least you’ll have to select a tool for component testing (a type of integration or end-to-end testing) and implement at least one component test or other integration or end-to-end test in your source code. Use of a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) framework would also check this box.

Teams working with React could use the React Testing Library or Enzyme or Storybook. Python backends could for example be tested with TestProject or the BDD frameworks Behave or Lettuce.

Graded: (lab05-T) (10 pts) You earn these team points for ensuring that each team member was again assigned at least one issue that was moved to the Done column of your Kanban board with tested acceptance criteria over the next week ending on 11/05/21, 23:59 PDT.

Graded: (lab05-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points if your team integrated a higher-level (not just unit tests) testing framework with your project.

Graded: (lab05-T) (20 pts) You earn these team points if your team implemented and demonstrated successful execution of at least one component test or other integration or end-to-end test (e.g. BDD) in your project.

Graded ((lab05-T) (20 pts) Document your testing approach in a new github team/ document. List there at a minimum: 1) how you implemented the unit test requirement from the previous lab (which testing library, which part(s) of the code, etc.), 2) your plans regarding unit tests going forward (it’s ok to not go all in with unit tests, but document and reason your decision.), 3) how you satisfied the component/integration/end-to-end testing requirement from this lab (which testing library, which part(s) of the code, etc.), 4) your plans regarding higher-level testing going forward (it’s again ok to not commit to an integrated testing solution, but document and reason your decision).