lab08 : Group Peer Eval, Two weeks to Code Freeze (but Thanksgiving in between)

num ready? description assigned due
lab08 true Group Peer Eval, Two weeks to Code Freeze (but Thanksgiving in between) Fri 11/19 11:00AM Mon 11/22 12:00PM

Graded: (lab08-T) (30 pts) Team has provided access to its own repo and Feedback Google Doc to members of the other team in timely fashion.

Graded: (lab08-T) (70 pts) Team members worked together to complete the review of the other team’s products, according to instructions, by noon on Monday, 11/22.

Note: “In a timely fashion” in the items above means “during the Section in which this assignment is made, allowing the revieewing team to put Section time fully towards the evaluation”; this is based on the fact that time will be given during Section to complete these tasks.

Ops Review

In lab06 you prepared written instructions (and perhaps a video for your team’s project) that described how to start with only your team’s source code repo, and finish with an production ready instance of the application up and running on supported platform(s).

In this lab:

The following table lists the review pairings for all teams:

Your Team will review team and will be reviewed by team
t01-11am-sbrideshare t03-11am-fitnessguru t02-11am-clubrush
t02-11am-clubrush t01-11am-sbrideshare t03-11am-fitnessguru
t03-11am-fitnessguru t02-11am-clubrush t01-11am-sbrideshare
t05-11am-recipefinder t08-11am-servedup t07-11am-musictaste
t07-11am-musictaste t05-11am-recipefinder t08-11am-servedup
t08-11am-servedup t07-11am-musictaste t05-11am-recipefinder
t04-12pm-youtubevoice t06-12pm-campusmaps t11-12pm-typingtest
t06-12pm-campusmaps t09-12pm-studygroup t04-12pm-youtubevoice
t09-12pm-studygroup t10-12pm-animelist t06-12pm-campusmaps
t10-12pm-animelist t11-12pm-typingtest t09-12pm-studygroup
t11-12pm-typingtest t04-12pm-youtubevoice t10-12pm-animelist

Step 1: Set up FEEDBACK Document and grant access to your reviewers

As a team, you will create a Google Doc to capture the feedback from the team that is reviewing your product. The document should start as follows:

   **Deployment and Product Feedback for Team <your team name>**
   <link to your repo>

   (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

Please list the link to that document in your team folder as team/ and, as the first action item of today’s lab section, communicate that link to the reviewing team.

Next, obtain read access to the other team’s repo for each person on your team that is participating in a review. Grant access to your team’s repo to each person on the reviewing team that is participating.

To grant access you’ll need the github id’s of the folks from the other team (which you should communicate via Slack.)

Please communicate with the other team through Slack. Contact persons for each team will be listed in this table and you can Slack DM with them to coordinate. You can of course also additionally walk over to the other team (Seating chart here) and coordinate in person.

Step 2: Create Stub for your Feedback

To make these instructions concrete. Assuming:

  1. Go to the Google Doc for the team you are supposed to provide feedback for (t03-11am-fitnessguru), the link should have been communicated to you via Slack. If NOT, please prod the team for it!
  2. In this file, put the following template (substituting in your name and team name):

    # Feedback from team
    Review by Chris
    (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)
    TODO: Insert review here

Step 3: Actually try deploying the app

Each of you should then try deploying the app from the other team assigned to you.

If there are naming possibilities for deployments (e.g. Heroku apps), call your app: `cs148-f21-t01-chris-tries-t03, where:

You may need to create Auth0 or Google credentials, MongoDB credentials, other API credentials, etc. Ideally, the creation of those will be sufficiently described in your deployment instructions, but for the purpose of successfully completing this peer review, feel free to share throwaway credentials with the reviewing team!

As you do, follow the instructions provided in the deployment instructions and/or video.

As you run into issues and/or problems, document these, and also work with the other team through Slack to try to resolve them.

As you edit, leave this line as the top of your review until the final step of the lab:

   (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

Step 4: Finish your review

When you are done, provide a brief writeup in which you provide:

Then, turn to some comments about the app itself. Please address the following questions, plus anything else you think would be helpful for the team that is working on the app:

Step 5: Notify the other team that your review is finished via Slack.

When your review is finished remove the line:

(Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

And replace it with:

Review Complete

Then notify the team whose deploy instructions and app you were reviewing, via Slack, that your review is complete.

Two Weeks to Code Freeze

Over the next two weeks, your team will work towards the code freeze deadline, Fri., 12/03/21, 11:59. The work that you will put in will pay off in the final evaluations of your product and documentation!

There will be one more Lab (lab09), but it will officially start after the Thanksgiving holiday, on Monday, 11/29. It will be discussed in class next week, however.