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lect15, Wed 11/17

UX Evaluation, 3rd Retro


Here, again, is the point percentage breakdown for grading that the teaching team plans to use for the “Final Product” 40% of the course grade:

End User Evaluation

You will likely not have time to conduct your own independent end user evaluation (prove us wrong if you do!), but this week’s peer group evaluation will be a step in that direction

Today: Designate a reviewer and reviewee contact for your team. Create a Review Placeholder.

Please list the names and Slack display names (separated by comma) of contact persons from your team in this table:

As a team, create a Google Doc to capture the feedback from the team that is reviewing your product. The document should start as follows:

   **Deployment and Product Feedback for Team <your team name>**
   <link to your repo>

   (Review in progress--leave this line here until review is final)

Please list the link to that document in your team folder as team/ and, as the first action item of Friday’s lab section, communicate that link to the reviewing team.

Today (or at your schedule): Third and Last Retrospective

This is one of your last major opportunities to inspect and adapt on your path toward the goal line! This week’s lab there will be our peer evaluation where another team tests your deployment instructions and current state product, and then there is two more weeks of development until code freeze!

You already know the goal and procedure for Retrospectives from your previous retros. This Retrospective allows you to discuss things that are important to get to the best team productivity in this critical final final stretch to product deployment, documentation, and presentation.